Other Costs of Bereavement Care Searching Resources

The table below shows searches within key databases for scholarly published literature relevant to costs of bereavement care. Where possible, links are provided containing pre-created searches to take you directly to database results.

Databases for scholarly information

Database About Suggested Search
Embase Requires institutional subscription

Large online biomedical and pharmacological  bibliographic database.
For a sensitive search, use:

(Bereav$ OR grief OR griev$ OR mourn$ OR sorrow$ OR death depression scale).mp. AND (cost$ OR economic$ OR fee OR fees OR price$ OR expenditure OR budget OR financial$ OR fund OR funds OR funding).mp.

For a more specific search, use:

(bereavement$.sh. OR grief/ OR mourning/) AND (cost$.mp. OR fee/ OR economic$.sh.)


Requires institutional subscription

Large online bibliographic database containing broad overview of global, interdisciplinary scientific information. 

in TITLE-ABS-KEY fields: (bereav* OR grief OR mourn*) AND (cost OR costs OR economic OR expenditure).
Can limit e.g. to subject areas Medicine / Nursing / Social Sciences / Psychology / Health Professions.

EconLit Requires institutional subscription
American Economic Association's source for economic research citations and abstracts.
Suggested search terms to use:

(bereav$ OR grief OR mourn$).mp. AND (cost$ or price$ or budget$ or fund$ or spend$ or expend$ or pricing$).mp.
IDEAS Free online
Research in Economics, RePEc, which includes bibliographic metadata from over 1,800 participating archives.
Suggested search

HSRProj - Health Services Research Projects in Progress Database Free online.
Information about ongoing health services research and public health projects
Suggested search 

NICE Evidence Search Free online
 UK Health Evidence site.
Search for Bereavement Cost / Grief Cost
Health Systems Evidence Free online.
Canadian repository of syntheses of research evidence about governance, financial and delivery arrangements within health systems, and about implementation strategies that can support change in health systems.
Suggested search
Google Scholar Free online
Searches published research (articles and books) worldwide
Suggested search 
Informit Health Collection Requires institutional subscription.
Australian database covering health policy and services and the social, psychological, legal and ethical issues associated with health. 
Suggested searches

(cost OR costs OR economic OR fund OR expenditure) AND (bereavement OR grief OR bereaved OR mourning OR grieving)
Web of Science Requires institutional subscription.
Large database, containing information in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities.
Suggested search

TOPIC: (cost OR costs OR economic OR fund OR expenditure) AND TOPIC:(bereavement OR grief OR bereaved OR mourning OR grieving))

The table below shows searches across producers of grey literature relevant to health economics, such as government agencies, research centres, health policy related organisations and health care provider organisations. Where possible, links are provided containing pre-created searches to take you directly to database results.

General Searching for grey literature

Database About Suggested Search
Google Free online general search engine Search for documents about costs and economic aspects of bereavement and bereavement care (using the terms: (bereavement OR grief) AND (cost or economic)
Australian Policy Online: Research and Evidence base Free online.
Provides access to full text research reports and papers, statistics and other resources for public policy in Australia and New Zealand.
Search for Australian policy documents on Bereavement or Grief

Selected Health Economics Journals

Learning More about Health Economics Information Resources

The National Library of Medicine (U.S.)  provides a free online course on searching for Health Economics Information.

The Health Technology 
Assessment international (HTAi) Information Resources Group provides a free online resource ("vortal") including a section on how to search for Costs and economic evaluation information.


Last updated 02 February 2017