Resources for Patients, Carers and Families

There are many palliative care resources for patients and families in different parts of this website. Any of these pages can be printed and read later. They can help you to find resources or services, or information that you can use to have discussions with others about. These pages have information on different topics.
My Information Kit allows you to select factsheets to print out for your clients or their carers. It includes a cover sheet so that you can include your contact details. 
Order Resources page contains multiple fact sheets and brochures. These can be ordered and sent free-of-charge to an address within Australia.

The sections Living with Illness, and Managing Finances may also be useful.

The section How to Care includes information on Practical Caring Resources and Services and Support.

Within the Bereavement, Grief and Loss section there are Grief and Loss Resources that include information for and about children.

Within the Finding Services section are resources that can also help. This includes a section on:

The GP Section also includes printable patient and carer information.

Last updated 27 August 2021