CareSearch Blog: Palliative Perspectives

The views and opinions expressed in our blog series are those of the authors and are not necessarily supported by CareSearch, Flinders University and/or the Australian Government Department of Health.

Heart failure patients’ use of hospital services in the last year of life - timely palliative care is needed

A blog post written by Dr Gursharan Singh, Research Fellow, Centre for Healthcare Transformation & Cancer and Palliative Care Outcomes Centre, School of Nursing, QUT

  • 9 September 2021
  • Author: Guest
  • Number of views: 658
Heart failure patients’ use of hospital services in the last year of life - timely palliative care is needed

In the final blog for our Oceanic Palliative Care Conference series, Dr Gursharan Singh, Research Fellow at QUT, highlights why understanding hospital-based service use by individuals with heart failure is crucial to inform health service development - including palliative care services.

Palliative Care Needs Rounds: influencing policy, funding and practice

A blog post written by Juliane Samara, Nurse Practitioner, Calvary ACT Specialist Palliative Aged Care

  • 9 September 2021
  • Author: Guest
  • Number of views: 720
Palliative Care Needs Rounds: influencing policy, funding and practice

In the eighth blog for our Oceanic Palliative Care Conference series, Juliane Samara a Nurse Practitioner at Calvary ACT Specialist Palliative Aged Care discusses a new intervention called Palliative Care Needs Rounds (PCNR) and how it can be used to improve palliative and end-of-life care coordination in residential aged care facilities (care homes).

Training can help health professionals understand the role spirituality plays in health care

A blog post written by Associate Professor Megan Best, Research Associate, Institute for Ethics and Society, University of Notre Dame Australia

  • 9 September 2021
  • Author: Guest
  • Number of views: 349
Training can help health professionals understand the role spirituality plays in health care

In the seventh blog for our Oceanic Palliative Care Conference series, Associate Professor Megan Best from the University of Notre Dame Australia discusses why spiritual care is important in palliative care, and how training in spiritual caregiving can support healthcare professionals.

PaCE - the Palliative Care Education Directory App

A blog post written by Kylie Ash, National Project Manager PCC4U and Sharon Wetzig, Learning and Development Coordinator, Palliative Care Education and Training Collaborative

  • 8 September 2021
  • Author: Guest
  • Number of views: 400
PaCE - the Palliative Care Education Directory App

In the sixth blog for our Oceanic Palliative Care Conference series, Kylie Ash and Sharon Wetzig from the Palliative Care Education and Training Collaborative introduces the Palliative Care Education (PaCE ) Directory app.

Death literacy for over 55s

A blog post written by Dr Kerrie Noonan, Director and Clinical Psychologist, Death Literacy Institute

  • 8 September 2021
  • Author: Guest
  • Number of views: 500
Death literacy for over 55s

In the fifth blog for our 2021 Oceanic Palliative Care Conference series, Dr Kerrie Noonan from the Death Literacy Institute discusses their project using a death literacy index to develop and deliver peer-led community-based death literacy training for older Australian’s aged 55 and over.


About our Blog

The CareSearch blog Palliative Perspectives informs and provides a platform for sharing views, tips and ideas related to palliative care from community members and health professionals.