What may help

Talk to your Doctor

Write down what you want to tell you doctor:
  • When did the tiredness begin?
  • How long have you been experiencing tiredness?
  • What have you done to try to manage tiredness? Was this helpful?
  • What seems to make you more fatigued?
  • Are there particular periods in the day where you feel more fatigue?

Tell your doctor how the fatigue is affecting your daily life. 
Write down what you want to ask your doctor:

  • What may be causing your fatigue?
  • When is fatigue expected to peak after treatment?
  • Will it get better after that?
  • What might relieve it?
  • Who can help?

Many people think nothing can treat tiredness so they don’t mention it. In fact, your doctor may have some suggestions or medicines that may help you.

He or she may look at how other things – such as medications, eating or sleeping, other symptoms or separate medical conditions – could be affecting you.


Small naps during the day will not take away the tiredness but they may boost your energy and help you sleep better at night. Try not to nap in the late afternoon or evening if you aim to get a good night’s sleep.

Also try to make the most of your rest at night by going to bed and waking up at a similar time each day and avoid stimulants such as caffeine before bed.

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Life, Hope & Reality was developed and written by Afaf Girgis, Claire Johnson, and Sylvie Lambert with funding from the NHMRC and Cancer Council NSW.

Last updated 30 August 2015