Who provides it?

Who provides it?

Palliative care may be provided by your specialist, doctor, community nurse and other members of your health care team. However, if you develop problems that are complex or difficult to manage, then your doctor may refer you to health care workers who have training and experience in palliative care services, or to a specialist palliative care team.

Given your experience with cancer, the list of health workers providing palliative care may well be familiar. In this case, all of them will have been trained to meet your needs at this stage of your illness, and be more focused on your quality of life than on a cure.


Seek palliative care as soon as you think you may need it, because that is when it is most effective. People often say they wish they had known about the services earlier.

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Life, Hope & Reality was developed and written by Afaf Girgis, Claire Johnson, and Sylvie Lambert with funding from the NHMRC and Cancer Council NSW.

Last updated 30 August 2015