Live well, die gently: Allied Health supporting children in palliative care

A guest blog post by Sarah Baggio, Allied Health Clinical Educator, Quality of Care Collaborative Australia

  • 13 November 2019
  • Author: Guest
  • Number of views: 3160
Live well, die gently: Allied Health supporting children in palliative care

Paediatric palliative care aims to enhance the quality of life of the child or your person who has a life limiting illness and support his/her family. In the first of our blog series on paediatric palliative care, Sarah Baggio from the Quality of Care Collaborative Australia project discusses the important role of Allied Health Professionals in supporting children in palliative care. 

From Evidence to Better Pain Management

  • 11 November 2019
  • Author: CareSearch
  • Number of views: 0
From Evidence to Better Pain Management

Best practice palliative care is informed by the evidence. In this In Focus feature article, we look at the latest evidence on assessing and managing pain, and highlight some resources to support best practice at clinical point of care.

Journal Club Basics

  • 8 November 2019
  • Author: Katrina
  • Number of views: 1
To support all health professionals engage with and keep up with the evolving evidence in palliative care we have launched CareSearch's Journal Club Basics page. The page provides information on the benefits of and practical pointers in setting up or joining a journal club.

Allied Health section update

  • 8 November 2019
  • Author: Katrina
  • Number of views: 0
The role of Allied Health Professionals in palliative care is widely recognised across the sector. To support best practice and encourage greater involvement of allied health, we have expanded our Allied Health section to include more information on their role in palliative care, and where to find practice support including education and access to guidelines.

Clinical Evidence Patient Management update

  • 8 November 2019
  • Author: Katrina
  • Number of views: 0
The evidence on patient management held within the Clinical Evidence section of CareSearch has been updated and reorganised. Following extensive searching and appraisal of the research literature, content across 15 symptoms commonly encountered in palliative care has been updated to reflect current knowledge. We have also made finding the information easier and it is now listed for each topic under definition and prevalence, assessment, treatment, practice implications and evidence gaps.