Living with dying

A guest blog post by Jan Obery, Senior Social Worker, Central Adelaide Palliative Care Service

  • 20 January 2021
  • Author: Guest
  • Number of views: 1771
Living with dying

CareSearch’s Part of Life Campaign aims to increase community awareness of palliative care and encourage all Australians to learn, care, and plan for death and dying. We are publishing a blog series to highlight how we can all work towards providing quality palliative care to everyone in our community.  

In this blog, Senior Social Worker Jan Obery from the Central Adelaide Palliative Care Service, shares the satisfying aspects of working in palliative care and how social workers and the roles of all of the interdisciplinary team make a significant difference to those living with a life-limiting illness.

Planning for the last part of life – the role of early palliative care

A guest blog post by Adjunct Associate Professor Leeroy William, Clinical Director of Supportive and Palliative Care at Eastern Health and President of Australian & New Zealand Society of Palliative Medicine (ANZSPM)

  • 13 January 2021
  • Author: Guest
  • Number of views: 2545
Planning for the last part of life – the role of early palliative care

CareSearch’s Part of Life Campaign aims to increase community awareness of palliative care and encourage all Australians to learn, care, and plan for death and dying. We are publishing a blog series to highlight how we can all work towards providing quality palliative care to everyone in our community.  

In this blog, Adjunct Associate Professor at Eastern Health and President of Australian & New Zealand Society of Palliative Medicine (ANZSPM), Leeroy William explains the benefits of early palliative care and highlights why planning for the end of life is important.

It’s 2020 and some LGBTIQ+ people still don’t have access to inclusive palliative care services

A guest blog post by Alex Taylor, Project Officer and Hannah Morgan, Project Coordinator at National LGBTI Health Alliance

  • 15 December 2020
  • Author: Guest
  • Number of views: 1998
It’s 2020 and some LGBTIQ+ people still don’t have access to inclusive palliative care services

More understanding and education is required so that LGBTIQ+ people can feel confident that they will be able to feel safe to access palliative care. In the final blog for our National Palliative Care Project series, Alex Taylor, Project Officer and Hannah Morgan, Project Coordinators at National LGBTI Health Alliance, discuss how the new National LGBTI Health Alliance Palliative Care Project will work to improve the knowledge of care providers.

National Palliative Care in Prison (PiP) Project

A guest blog post by Professor Jane Phillips, Director and Kim Offner, Project Manager at Improving Palliative, Aged and Chronic Care through Clinical Research and Translation (IMPACCT), Faculty of Health, University of Technology Sydney

  • 10 December 2020
  • Author: Guest
  • Number of views: 1492
National Palliative Care in Prison (PiP) Project

In the 14th blog for our National Palliative Care Project series, Professor Jane Phillips and Project Manager Kim Offner from the Centre for Improving Palliative, Aged, and Chronic Care through Clinical Research and Translation discuss how their new project Palliative Care in Prisons will develop a national evidence-based model for people in Australian prisons. 

The TEL Project: How to help people with intellectual disability understand dying and death, and plan for it if they wish

A guest blog post by Dr Michele Wiese, Senior Lecturer, School of Psychology, Western Sydney University, NSW

  • 3 December 2020
  • Author: Guest
  • Number of views: 1654
The TEL Project: How to help people with intellectual disability understand dying and death, and plan for it if they wish

People with intellectual disability, just like everyone else, have a right to understand dying and death. In this second blog for our Part of Life series, Dr Michele Wiese, Senior Lecturer in the School of Psychology at Western Sydney University discusses how the ‘Talking end of life…with people with intellectual disability’ (TEL) can help them understand end of life, and make plans for it if they choose.
