A new palliative care dashboard for the aged care sector: Why implementation and evaluation matters

A guest blog post by Dr Priyanka Vandersman, Research Associate, ELDAC

  • 16 November 2020
  • Author: Guest
  • Number of views: 1751
A new palliative care dashboard for the aged care sector: Why implementation and evaluation matters

In her latest blog, Dr Priyanka Vandersman introduces the ELDAC Digital Dashboard, a one-stop shop for aged care providers to graphically view and track all end of life care activities and processes relating to their residents and clients. The dashboard is currently undergoing an implementation study to measure its impact and usability for aged care clinicians who provide palliative and end-of-life care to older Australians.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Palliative Care

A blog post by Dr Tina Janamian, General Manager Education and Innovation, AGPAL Group of Companies

  • 12 November 2020
  • Author: Guest
  • Number of views: 1572
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Palliative Care

Currently, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are significantly less likely to access palliative care services, in comparison to the Australian population. In the 10th blog for our National Palliative Care Project series Dr Tina Janamian, General Manager for Education and Innovation at AGPAL discusses a new project to help ensure Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have access to culturally safe palliative care and end-of-life services.

When the nurse becomes the carer, knowledge can be a two-edged sword

A guest blog by Sandra Bradley, Advance Care Directive Consultant, South Australia

  • 11 November 2020
  • Author: Guest
  • Number of views: 1893
When the nurse becomes the carer, knowledge can be a two-edged sword

Learning a loved one has a terminal illness is a tragic and unforgettable moment, made even more challenging for those who have studied the disease and know what to expect. In her guest blog, South Australian Advance Care Directive Consultant, Sandra Bradley, shares her experience of caring for her terminally ill husband throughout the COVID pandemic.

Tailoring future CareSearch communications

  • 10 November 2020
  • Author: Ruth
  • Number of views: 0

To better serve your information needs, we at the CareSearch Project want to know how we can better tailor our future communication materials. Have your say by answering this 5-minute survey.

Death in Central Australia – too much, and too soon

A guest blog post by Dr Christine Sanderson, Palliative Care Specialist, Territory Palliative Care - Central Australia, Alice Springs Hospital

  • 9 November 2020
  • Author: Guest
  • Number of views: 2391
Death in Central Australia – too much, and too soon

In Central Australia, statistics about closing the gap come to life. For the Part of Life blog series, Palliative Care Specialist Dr Christine Sanderson at Alice Springs Hospital discusses the palliative care needs of Aboriginal patients, and how her team work to provide quality and person-centred care.
