CareSearch: Easy and rapid access to reliable information

A guest blog post by Professor Liz Reymond, Deputy Director, Metro South Palliative Care Service, Metro South Health Queensland

  • 24 August 2018
  • Author: Guest
  • Number of views: 2526
CareSearch: Easy and rapid access to reliable information

Health professionals, as well as patients and their carers and families, need easy and rapid access to reliable information to make informed and often difficult decisions about care. Professor Liz Reymond, Deputy Director of Metro South Palliative Care Service at Metro South Health Queensland writes why evidence on palliative care is crucial, and how CareSearch helps.

CareSearch: Supporting paediatric palliative care

A guest blog by Dr Anthony Herbert, Director, Paediatric Palliative Care Service, Division of Medicine, Children’s Health Queensland Hospital and Health Service

  • 21 August 2018
  • Author: Guest
  • Number of views: 3518
CareSearch: Supporting paediatric palliative care

Paediatric palliative care is a holistic approach to the care of children with life-limiting illness and their families. It aims to enhance the quality of life for the child and provide support for the family. Dr Anthony Herbert, Director of Paediatric Palliative Care Service in the Division of Medicine at Children’s Health Queensland Hospital and Health Service, writes how CareSearch supports clinicians delivering paediatric palliative care.

The power of knowledge

A guest blog post by Kim Devery, Project Lead of End-of-Life Essentials, Senior Lecturer and Head of Teaching Section, Palliative Care, Flinders University

  • 17 August 2018
  • Author: Guest
  • Number of views: 2812
The power of knowledge

The rise of ageing and chronic illnesses means that most Australians are living with ill health and significant disability for many years before they die. In our 6th CareSearch@10 anniversary blog post, Kim Devery of Flinders University and End-of-Life Essentials writes why health professionals need trustworthy evidence. 

CareSearch: Helping us see the wood for the trees again for our patients

A guest blog post from Dr Chris Moy, Chair, Central Adelaide Clinical Council, Adelaide Primary Health Network and Federal AMA Ethics and Medico-legal Committee

  • 14 August 2018
  • Author: Guest
  • Number of views: 2683
CareSearch: Helping us see the wood for the trees again for our patients

Doctors caring for palliative patients encounter myriad of challenges. Dr Chris Moy chair of the Central Adelaide Clinical Council for Adelaide Primary Health Network and chair of the Federal AMA Ethics and Medico-legal Committee writes about the common hurdles faced by doctors, and how CareSearch can help them spend more time in caring for patients and their families.

CareSearch and primary and community care

A guest blog post by Professor Geoffrey Mitchell, Professor of General Practice and Palliative Care, University of Queensland

  • 10 August 2018
  • Author: Guest
  • Number of views: 2793
CareSearch and primary  and community care

A full time GP can expect to see 5-6 deaths per year. With increase in our ageing population, and people becoming more frail as they accumulate more health problems, the rate of deaths is set to double. Professor Geoffrey Mitchell of the University of Queensland writes how GPs can better support patients and their carers and families by updating their knowledge through best available palliative care evidence and CareSearch.
