CareSearch Blog: Palliative Perspectives

The views and opinions expressed in our blog series are those of the authors and are not necessarily supported by CareSearch, Flinders University and/or the Australian Government Department of Health.

Vulnerable older people at risk at end of life

A guest blog post by Dr Kelly Purser and Associate Professor Tina Cockburn, Australian Centre for Health Law Research, Faculty of Law, Queensland University of Technology

  • 27 September 2018
  • Author: Guest
  • Number of views: 8453
Vulnerable older people at risk at end of life

The end of life makes older people more vulnerable to elder abuse. Dr Kelly Purser and Associate Professor Tina Cockburn from the Australian Centre for Health Law Research, Faculty of Law at Queensland University of Technology discuss the escalating, and often hidden, problem of elder abuse in Australia’s ageing population and the different forms it can take.

The importance of palliAGED in rural and remote nursing

A guest blog post by Dr Ann Aitken PhD, Acting Director of Nursing & Midwifery, Rural and Remote Services, Cairns and Hinterland Hospital and Health Service

  • 19 September 2018
  • Author: Guest
  • Number of views: 3371
The importance of palliAGED in rural and remote nursing

About a third of Australian nurses work in rural and remote practice and many are sole practitioners working in geographically diverse and challenging areas. This requires nurses to have a diverse range of skills, professional and otherwise, including the need to provide quality palliative care. One of our biggest challenges is in being able to maintain those skills in their environment. Ann Aitken, Acting Director of Nursing and Midwifery at Cairns and Hinterland Hospital and Health Services, discusses how the palliAGEDnurse and palliAGEDgp apps provide nurses and their medical colleagues a way to gain 24/7 offline palliative care information to help them in their practice.

How well prepared are health professionals to have tough conversations that matter?

A guest blog post by Linda Nolte, Program Director, Advance Care Planning Australia

  • 12 September 2018
  • Author: Guest
  • Number of views: 2743
How well prepared are health professionals to have tough conversations that matter?

Many health professionals would like to help patients with advance care planning. However, most of them need more training and support to improve their skills and confidence. Linda Nolte of Advance Care Planning Australia (ACPA) writes how their free online courses can help upskill and build the confidence of health professionals in this important area.

New palliative care helpline: 1800 870 155

A guest blog post from Dr Georgia Rowley, Research Associate and Caroline Litster, Research and Helpline Team, ELDAC

  • 10 September 2018
  • Author: Guest
  • Number of views: 4321
New palliative care helpline: 1800 870 155

The End of Life Directions for Aged Care (ELDAC) helpline (1800 870 155) offers free access to information over the phone to people caring for older Australians with a palliative need. This includes all health professionals and workers in residential aged care, home care, general practice, primary health networks, and allied health professionals. Dr Georgia Rowley and Caroline Litster discuss what the ELDAC helpline is, why it was established, who it can support and reasons why to call it. 

Pharmacists: The Medicines Experts

A guest blog post by Paul Tait, Lead Palliative Care Pharmacist, Southern Adelaide Palliative Services

  • 5 September 2018
  • Author: Guest
  • Number of views: 4634
Pharmacists: The Medicines Experts

Pharmacists can do more than simply fill prescriptions. They can help palliative patients and those living with chronic illnesses manage, review, organise and dispose of medicines. In this CareSearch blog, Paul Tait of Southern Adelaide Palliative Services discusses how to work with pharmacists so they can better support your needs.

About our Blog

The CareSearch blog Palliative Perspectives informs and provides a platform for sharing views, tips and ideas related to palliative care from community members and health professionals.