CareSearch Blog: Palliative Perspectives

The views and opinions expressed in our blog series are those of the authors and are not necessarily supported by CareSearch, Flinders University and/or the Australian Government Department of Health.

Dealing with Dying – Some Comments for Carers

A guest blog post by Meg Brassil, Consumer Representative

  • 31 January 2019
  • Author: Guest
  • Number of views: 5045
Dealing with Dying – Some Comments for Carers
Palliative care helps people live their life as fully and as comfortably as possible when living with a life-limiting or terminal illness. Carers play a large role in providing palliative care. Meg Brassil reflects on her role and experience as a carer and provides practical pointers that can help.

Staying in the ring: Clinical speech pathology at the end of life

A guest blog post by Wendy Pearse, Principal Project Officer for End of Life Care, Sunshine Coast Hospital and Health Service and Speech Pathology Australia Aged Care Working Party member

  • 22 January 2019
  • Author: Guest
  • Number of views: 4165
Staying in the ring: Clinical speech pathology at the end of life

Speech pathologists will often work with patients undergoing palliative care and treatment, despite the perception that it may not be their role. Wendy Pearse, Principal Project Officer for End of Life Care at Sunshine Coast Hospital and Health Service discusses challenging those perceptions and the importance of evidence-based practice in supporting speech pathologists in providing care for those patients.

Understanding palliative care and why it matters

A blog post by Dr Katrina Erny-Albrecht, Senior Research Fellow, CareSearch, Flinders University

  • 16 January 2019
  • Author: CareSearch
  • Number of views: 3518
Understanding palliative care and why it matters

Palliative care is increasingly mentioned in mainstream and professional media releases and reports, particularly those related to aged care and cancer, but it is often misrepresented or mentioned only in passing. Dr Katrina Erny-Albrecht from CareSearch explains what palliative care is and why it matters from a researcher perspective.

Strategies to improve service and client outcomes in aged care

A guest blog post from Diana Harrison, Jennifer Gavin, Melissa Brodie and Rebecca Moore, ELDAC Facilitators from Queensland University of Technology

  • 14 January 2019
  • Author: Guest
  • Number of views: 17131
Strategies to improve service and client outcomes in aged care

When older Australians require multiple specialists and teams for their care, how do you keep everyone on the same page? In their latest blog, the ELDAC facilitator team from QUT share strategies to partner with other services to improve the care that older Australians receive at the end of life.

Is there scope for technology to add value in palliative care?

A guest blog post by Priyanka Bhattarai, Research Associate, ELDAC (End-of-Life Directions for Aged Care)

  • 9 January 2019
  • Author: Guest
  • Number of views: 5785
Is there scope for technology to add value in palliative care?

The enormous growth and usage of internet over the last 15 years has resulted in large pools of health and medical information now being available freely on the worldwide web. Priyanka Bhattarai discusses if there is any scope for technology to add value in the palliative care setting.


About our Blog

The CareSearch blog Palliative Perspectives informs and provides a platform for sharing views, tips and ideas related to palliative care from community members and health professionals.