CareSearch Blog: Palliative Perspectives

The views and opinions expressed in our blog series are those of the authors and are not necessarily supported by CareSearch, Flinders University and/or the Australian Government Department of Health.

Improving palliative care for people with motor neurone disease is more urgent than ever

A guest blog post by Tracey Watters, Palliative Care Pathways & Partnerships Project Coordinator, Motor Neurone Disease Association of South Australia (MND SA)

  • 17 March 2021
  • Author: Guest
  • Number of views: 1067
Improving palliative care for people with motor neurone disease is more urgent than ever

In our second SA Palliative Care 2020 Grants Program blog, Tracey Watters, Project Coordinator of the Palliative Care Pathways and Partnerships at Motor Neurone Disease (MND) SA, writes why improving palliative care for people with MND is important and how the project will help.

Facilitating meaningful experiences and connection for aged care residents and their families

A guest blog post by Alison Harrington, Founder and CEO, Moove & Groove

  • 10 March 2021
  • Author: Guest
  • Number of views: 1114
Facilitating meaningful experiences and connection for aged care residents and their families

To improve access to and diversify quality palliative care services the South Australian State Government provided grants to 16 organisations. We are publishing a Palliative Care 2020 Grants Program blog series featuring these projects.

In our first blog for the series, Alison Harrington, Founder and CEO of Moove & Groove, discusses how the online program helps to improve the wellbeing of seniors and how they plan to expand it given the positive feedback from participants.

'You only die once - we need to get it right': a palliative care clinical nurse consultant’s perspective on partnering with a residential aged care facility

A guest blog post by Kathleen Wurth, Palliative Care Clinical Nurse Consultant, Port Kembla Palliative Care Service

  • 22 February 2021
  • Author: Guest
  • Number of views: 2922
'You only die once - we need to get it right': a palliative care clinical nurse consultant’s perspective on partnering with a residential aged care facility

ELDAC has developed the Working Together Program, which involves helping create linkages between specialist palliative and aged care providers. In this blog, Kathleen Wurth, a Palliative Care Clinical Nurse Consultant from Port Kembla Palliative Care Service, shares her perspectives on partnering with a residential aged care facility to improve the provision of palliative care within the facility.

ELDAC Working Together Program

A guest blog by Rebecca Moore, Diana Harrison, Heidi Wiebe, Jennifer Gavin, and Melissa Brodie, ELDAC Project Coordinators from Queensland University of Technology (QUT)

  • 17 February 2021
  • Author: Guest
  • Number of views: 2107
ELDAC Working Together Program

ELDAC project coordinators have been undertaking activities for the past three years as part of the Working Together Program which involves helping provide linkages between specialist palliative and aged care providers. The program has now reached the end of its first phase. In their latest blog, the ELDAC project coordinators showcase the outcomes and achievements of the 70 aged care services who participated across Australia and how the program has supported participating aged care services through individual, service and system development.

PEPA moves workshops online

A guest blog post by Steph Dickinson and Sharon Wetzig, Learning and Development Coordinators - Palliative Care Education and Training Collaborative, Cancer and Palliative Care Outcomes Centre, Faculty of Health at Queensland University of Technology

  • 10 February 2021
  • Author: Guest
  • Number of views: 1049
PEPA moves workshops online

COVID-19 has brought about many challenges to providing education for healthcare professionals. Hence, education providers have had to come up with innovative ways to deliver workshops. In this blog Steph Dickinson and Sharon Wetzig from the Palliative Care Education and Training Collaborative, Cancer and Palliative Care Outcomes Centre at QUT discusses how the Program of Experience in the Palliative Approach (PEPA) adapted to online formats of education and discusses the response to running workshops virtually.


About our Blog

The CareSearch blog Palliative Perspectives informs and provides a platform for sharing views, tips and ideas related to palliative care from community members and health professionals.